Let's enjoy wargaming as a fun, social, laid-back hobby! Farseer Khaiell

I enjoy nicely painted miniatures but I don't care for miniature painting as a fine art. I prefer a smart theme before NMM.

I give kudos to master painters and successful generals of the hour and go back to having fun with the hobby! — Khaiell

I keep my Space Marine, Eldar or fantasy Empire banners mostly grim and serious. But dwarves have this over-the-top grumpiness combined with a passion for down to earth, beer-soaked humour that just doesn't work taken with a straight face. As the vertically challenged ones wear simple, unfunny outfits the best place to display their attitude are their standards »
Converting and painting 2016-07-20 Khaiell
Having beautiful banners custom made for your units elevates your army to the next level. In a way, especially for fantasy troops, it is the flying colours and vivid coat-of-arms imagery that makes your playing pieces be what they are, not just a heap of plastic. It is no coincidence that in many strategy games units are represented just by their unique standards. »
Converting and painting 2016-07-01 Khaiell
2nd edition Warhammer 40k box set came with a large set of "2-D" ruined buildings that resembled theatrical decoration more than model dioramas. I pulled some out of the basement for a photoshoot to see if they are viable on the tabletop almost a quarter of a century later... »
Reviews 2016-06-17 Khaiell
During the April 16-17, 2016 Weekend at Games Workshop stores you had a chance to get a special edition remake of the original 1985 Space Marine model. The new version is substantially beefier than the original and the difference is much more striking than the one between the original Mk. 4 marines and their 'Betrayal at Calth' reimagining »
Reviews 2016-04-18 Khaiell
As official sources at Games Workshop claim it has been exactly 30 years since the first Space Marine hit the stores. Catalogues published in the 90s and 00s claimed 1984 but its not important as every day is a good excuse to drink to the health of Imperial Space Marines! Read on to see the very first models as well as all 8 Space Marine Power Armour variants. »
Reviews 2016-04-16 Khaiell
The project was created with plaster of Paris blocks cast in-house and glued together with simple white glue. Then undercoated and drybrushed. The structure has been used extensively in various demo games of Games Workshop's Lord of the Rings line »
How to build terrain 2016-04-02 Khaiell
As Games Workshop decided to discontinue the Warhammer Fantasy Battles game the community took it to themselves to create a new ruleset for massive fantasy battles »
News 2015-07-30 Khaiell
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