Bunkers Mk. 2 - pure cardboard solution for mass production

2017-01-06 Khaiell

My original imperial bunkers from early 2000s oozing dark technology with pipes and gubbinz are fun but sometimes you want a more streamlined design. I came up with a bunker modification that allows building a lot of them in a batch. Useful not only for wargaming but also crafting projects for kids.

Imperial Bunkers/Bastions Mk. 2
  1. Create a base. As there will be no bits sticking out you don’t need a large one. A 83x83mm square is enough.
  2. Cut corrugated cardboard parts according to the new and improved plans PDF. For external window slits card stock is enough.
  3. Glue the base, walls, roof and battlements together using white glue. Leave the doors and windows separate for a moment.
  4. Add thin stripes of paper or card stock to mask edges.
  5. Paint the bunker light grey. You may use straight acrylic house paint or any way of texturing the walls. The colour I am aiming at is something like Citadel’s Administratum Grey (although I just bought a bucket of cheap acrylics).
  6. After the paint has dried use masking tape to mark the edges of the darker stripes and than paint them using a medium grey paint (Citadel’s Dawnstone kind of medium grey).
  7. Paint the doors and windows separately. I use Citadel’s Ironbreaker paint but you may go for a shade of blue or red for more contrast.
  8. Glue the doors and windows to the bunker. To position them precisely I created a plasticard template but a template cut from the PDF will do. Note that the positions of windows are specifically engineered for a purpose: so that you may connect the bunkers to form a larger structure.
  9. To bring out the details it’s good to apply some black wash around the windows and a bit of highlight to the edges.
  10. Have fun!

See the pictures as separate pages: Imperial Bunkers/Bastions Mk. 2 * Bunker with unpainted elements * Doors, windows and trapdoors for 4 bunkers * Plasticard templates for bunker walls and some cut window slits * The original Mk. 1 bunker * …more

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