Craters and texturing with sand

2011-06-12 Khaiell

Not only adding tension to any landscape while offering troops some cover but also useful markers for exploded vehicles

More tagged: texture · sand
  1. Start with a proper base
  2. To form the crater shape use a spackle (US) or polyfilla (UK), the latter being actually better as it is cellulose-based and does not shrink or warp while drying. Note that my projects that involve a lot of water-based spackling paste are usually constructed on a plywood base to prevent warping
  3. Cover the whole thing with a PVA glue and sprinkle with fine sand:
Unpainted crater
Unpainted crater
  1. When it is all dry, shake off excessive sand
  2. Spray it all with a black paint
  3. Drybrush it all with a grey paint
  4. Glue some static grass to the base's rim
  5. Blend the line between grass and sand with some black paint

See the pictures as separate pages: Craters * Unpainted crater

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