Are the new texture paints from GW good at simulating concrete and craters?

2016-12-02 Khaiell

Games Workshop updated their line of texture paint, adding (among other) two products: Astrogranite and Astrogranite Debris that may be useful for simulating imperial architecture. Let's see how they compare to other products I used...

Citadel Astrogranite texture paints (paste). The thin one to the left and the "Debris" to the right

The Astrogranite is not literally new, just repackaged into a larger pot. It is the fine one and has a texture of sand mixed with a normal paint, as used historically in modelling. You can almost spread it with a brush, a spatula is recommended though. Note, that I wouldn't use the thin spatula sold by GW but rather a wider one easily available from DIY stores or even a strip of cardboard.

The Astrogranite Debris is the same colour and contains apparently the same „sand” but is much denser to the point you definitely need a thin spatula to put it on any surface. It has the consistency of crystallised honey and produces interesting, large lumps.

You can see the results above. I used the „official” method of finishing the surface: a dark wash and light grey drybrush.

This is how this compares to the traditional way of doing this, like painted sand:

Bronze Gryphons Space Marines Librarian
Bronze Gryphons Space Marines Librarian

+ read my tutorial on how to model craters

And a normal DIY texture paste:

Emulating concrete and rock: texture paste vs. stippling
Emulating concrete and rock: texture paste vs. stippling

+ read more of these techniques

The verdict

Both of the Astrogranite paints are OK and I'll have fun using what's left in the pots. However, frankly, you can use free sand for the same effect.

Who I would recommend them to? The people who enjoy GW modelling tools. The „modelling sybarites” among us who find great fun in the process of modelling itself and would appreciate playing with a new kind of material. Or just have very little time for the hobby and the fact that they get the sand mixed already in the right proportions is worth it for them.

You can compare this with other texturing methods I reviewed and decide which one suits you best for a given project.

See the pictures as separate pages: Citadel Astrogranite texture paints (paste). The thin one to the left and the "Debris" to the right * Raw paints (without ink or drybrushing) * Bronze Gryphons Space Marines Librarian * Another example of a texture made with sand * Emulating concrete and rock: texture paste vs. stippling

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