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Real rock formations are weirder than fantasy

2016-12-22 Khaiell

The 2005/8 Chronicles of Narnia movies? rocky hills were shot in real world Sudety mountains on the Poland-Czechia border. That?s understandable as the rocks there are uncannily shaped and surrounded by mystery as subjects of pagan rituals in ancient times, precious stones and gold mining in the middle ages and as secret uranium mines of the Third Reich more recently.

Adrspach Rocks (Chech Sudetes)

According to legends they are inhabited by dwarves underground, giants (rübezahl) in the woods and Nazi UFOs in the air (aptly named „Project Riese” — „Giant”).

So if you are contemplating if your idea for a strange tabletop rock formation is too over-the-top, don’t worry and go full hog. The nature will outdo you anyway.

See the pictures as separate pages: Adrspach Rocks (Chech Sudetes) * Adrspach Rocks (Chech Sudetes) * Bledne Rocks (Polish Sudetes) * Rock formation near Ladek Zdroj (Polish Sudetes) * Rock formation near Ladek Zdroj (Polish Sudetes) * …more

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